Monday, January 25, 2010

Snoopy Does Ellie Light

Have a little Ellie Light fun today!

Following my suggestion that we have a little fun with the the President's nonofficial website ( that encourages (and directly facilitates) users to send dozens of letters to newspaper editors across the country, here is mine, or rather Snoopy's below. I think we should stick to cartoon characters. Keep it nice and funny please. Someone in the newsroom somewhere might actually figure out they're being had by Team Obama thanks to Snoopy and the rest of you. Hope you like the letter...

From: Snoopy Brown

Houston, TX 77054

To: Houston Chronicle, Beaumont Enterprise, Austin American-Statesman, El Dia, Conroe Courier, USA Today, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times

Subject: Health Care Reform & the Literal Dog House

Dear Editor

You know me best from my role playing myself alongside my owner Charlie, so as you know I am no typical dog. Among other things I am quite literate.

So, I wanted to let you know, that thanks to it is beyond easy for little old me to blanket Texas--and even national--newspapers with my letters to the editor. This fits in well with my nap schedule. I can be everywhere and nowhere all at once!

The president has asked that I blanket you with something about the sky falling if his health care "reform" bill doesn't pass, but as a dog I take a rather neutral stance since there's nothing in it for me (you know we have historical grievances too and would appreciate an apology from POTUS, but I digress). Charlie on the other hand is quite concerned that he will be taxed heavily for his pricey hair transplant surgery.

This is a great website if you're passionate but ill-informed. It even tells me what to write. But as you know, I'm not known for obeying orders.

The Trojan Horse of the 21st Century is here dear editor and the link is above.

Linus for POTUS!



  1. If y'all send me your letters I'll post the best ones here. Get me at

  2. This is awesome Maceo!!! I'll see if I can get a letter to you by the end of the day.
